Becoming Better Acquainted With Southern Culture – Translating The Most Famous Deep South Sayings

Published on 06/24/2021

Three Sheets To The Wind

We now come to the alcoholic aspect of Southerners. Certainly, these folks are infamous for enjoying their “hooch”. Given how frequently people like to party and celebrate in these parts, it makes sense that they have a few sayings to describe someone that is ridiculously drunk. That is where the saying, “three sheets to the wind” comes in. This refers to the three sails on a ship that have been left to the mercy of the wind, or are out of control.

Three Sheets To The Wind

Three Sheets To The Wind


Madder Than A Wet Hen

Given that the South is made up of a lot of rural areas, it is appropriate that the locals came up with many sayings related to farming. To say that someone is “madder than a wet hen” means that they are uncontrollably aggravated. Although we are unfamiliar with poultry’s reaction to wet weather, we can imagine that any feathered creature wouldn’t take kindly to a heavy downpour. Keep your hens nice and warm inside, people!

Madder Than A Wet Hen

Madder Than A Wet Hen