Becoming Better Acquainted With Southern Culture – Translating The Most Famous Deep South Sayings

Published on 06/24/2021

Till The Cows Come Home

You have probably also heard this expression used before, and maybe by the older folks in your life. This phrase refers to a process that has an indefinite period of time to complete. For example, someone could say, “Sarah will keep playing that darned guitar ‘til the cows come home!” We wonder whose cows were drifting out in the wild and decided to coin the phrase! Certainly, if left to their own devices, cattle will take a long time to come back to the pen.

Till The Cows Come Home

Till The Cows Come Home


No Bigger Than A Minnow In A Fishing Pond

You might not know it, but fishing is one of the South’s favorite activities, both professionally and recreationally. Of course, the stereotype of a Southerner hunting “gators” is a hilariously dangerous one, but they do appreciate the milder residents of their local rivers and lakes, too. If someone said that someone was “no bigger than a minnow in a fishing pond”, they mean that they are very tiny, given the size of these freshwater fish.

No Bigger Than A Minnow In A Fishing Pond

No Bigger Than A Minnow In A Fishing Pond