It’s a thought that always remains in our minds that the bathroom is one of those places where we must not carry our electronics. The reason behind it is water and germs in abundance. However, there are a few research papers that are published and available online, suggesting that the youth seems to be not able to disconnect themselves from their smartphones even for a moment and a majority of them take their gadgets with them. A fear of the devices getting into the water always remains active and this is the reason we are recommending a tech upgrade for your bathroom. These updates will not force you to take your expensive gadget with you, rather provide you a similar experience right there without it. In this blog, we are going to discuss a few gadgets that you can install right in your bathroom and this integration will help you in accessing media more easily. Let’s dive into it without any further adieu.

Renovate Your Bathroom With These Gadgets Top 5 Choices
Smart Scale
There are times when you have measured your weight and in case you have missed it to note down, you forget the date. It can get highly frustrating if you are following a weight gain or loss journey. This smart scale by Withings will save all the details on the app and you will get to access it over the cloud from anywhere. The companion app will also make it super easy to share this data with your doctor or health expert. It will also keep a tab on body fat and BMI that you can use to prepare charts.
Kohler Numi Toilet
The biggest concern that we face is to get germs from the seat cover. This smart toilet seat will solve this problem. Not only will it just auto-flush, but you will also get to use the hand gestures to open and close the seat. Along with it, buyers will also get a few added features such as water consumption and ambient lighting setup for a better user experience. The brand claims to offer 20% less water usage compared to the conventional toilets.
Showerhead + Speaker
A lot of us love to enjoy some music while we are taking a bath. Generally, we get a Bluetooth speaker paired up with our smartphone and put it in an extreme corner. Not only does it mess up with the bathroom aesthetics, there is always a risk of water getting into it and damaging it. The showerhead+speaker combo will solve the issue once and for all. The detachable speaker fits snug in the inner circle of the shower and you will get a very crisp audio experience.
Rechargeable Toothbrush
When you are living with your family, there is always a time when everyone’s toothbrushes get mixed up. The problem is attended by Sonicare and they are offering a rechargeable toothbrush that comes with 5 different modes. The brush head can be easily replaced and everyone in the family can have their own brush heads. It offers a high brush stroke of up to 31,000 strokes per minute. The package will also include a travel adapter.

Rechargeable Toothbrush
Simplehuman Mirror
It’s a smart mirror that will offer you simulated sunlight so that you can get a much better color variation even in artificial lighting. As soon as you get to the mirror, the motion sensors will detect your face and it will light up. The full size comes at 18.1 inches, however, you can also go for smaller size options. The mirror uses an advanced LED setup that is claimed to last a century. The charging mechanism is also quite simple and durable.