Opening Hour
The brown paper inside the suitcase might have been regarded as a disappointment by some, but Sam was sure that something at least noteworthy was inside the crisp paper. At the very least, he would find a mildly interesting collection of old documents or newspapers. He could not help but wish that there was money inside the paper stacks, however. Of course, things like that didn’t happen to him and his wife and they had led mostly mild lives.

Opening Hour
Reaping The Reward
Sam popped open the suitcase properly and unveiled the messy mound of brown wax paper parcels. He and Mary leaned over the opened suitcase like two curious dogs on a molehill. They were struggling to take it all in. How much time had passed since these parcels had been stuffed in there? There was only one way to find out. Sam’s hands began reaching for the brown paper, almost trembling. It was time to uncover the basement’s true secret.

Reaping The Reward