The Extraordinary Rock Discovery That Quarantined A Home

Published on 09/11/2021

The Big Reveal

Finally, the elder cranked open the suitcase wide enough to see what was inside. Sam might have cheated Mary of the first glimpse, but his curiosity had taken over. Inside, Sam saw that the suitcase was stuffed with faded brown paper, nothing more. That was when Mary arrived, and Sam snapped the suitcase shut. He ran with childish excitement to his wife, explaining everything. Now, they could open it properly together and finally clear the air.

The Big Reveal

The Big Reveal


Thrill Seekers

Sam took Mary by the hand and led her to the dining room where he showed her the suitcase in question. She put her hands to her mouth, immediately feeling the same excitement that Sam had. Sam was elated, hopping about the dining room like a little boy on his birthday. He finally had permission to open his present, even if Mary was rather apprehensive despite her anticipation. She loved a good surprise as much as anyone, but did not want her husband to get hurt.

Thrill Seekers

Thrill Seekers