Very Heavy
Sam looked at the suitcase with heavy suspicion. He could not imagine that it contained anything pleasant. He then dragged it up the stairs, back into the dining room. Sam took incredible care not to bump or shake the suitcase too much, in case something fragile and dangerous broke. The old man was oblivious to the contents of the container, but he was already aware that simply unearthing it could spell trouble. His mind was racing.

Very Heavy
Prior To The Big Reveal
Sam set the suitcase down carefully on the dining room table and called his wife. He asked her to drop whatever she was doing and come home, in an excited voice. Sam wanted his wife to be there for the grand reveal, for better or for worse. He was sure that when he opened the suitcase, one of two outcomes would present itself. He would either find an incredible motherload of money, gems, or gold bars, or he would unleash some terrible virus or bomb that would end him there and then.

Prior To The Big Reveal