Worth Its Weight In Gold
Given how foul ambergris smells, and the fact that it appears from the ocean, you might have guessed that it is produced by some marine animal. Indeed, ambergris is formed within sperm whale’s intestines, specifically the bile duct. When a lump of the stuff becomes indigestible, a whale will regurgitate and spit it out. As disgusting as this chunk of whale excretion may sound, its incredible rarity and desirable properties make it a sensationally expensive substance. The Whittens might have been delighted to learn of its worth, but they weren’t going to get away with it so easily.

Worth Its Weight In Gold
A Whale Of A Time
We know that sperm whales are the only creatures that can produce ambergris, but why is such a substance produced by their intestines in the first place? Scientists theorize that the waxy collection is made by the giant marine mammals’ intestines to protect them from sharp objects that they may have swallowed, such as giant octopus beaks. Such strange “greaseballs” can occasionally be found bobbing about the ocean, having gone on long journeys before finally beaching.

A Whale Of A Time