No Taxis Available
The first thing that Jonathan did was open the Uber app that was on his phone. He had to drive all the way out to that portion of the suburbs, but nobody was willing to pick him up when he got there. Jonathan was willing to pay for a ride, but it seemed that no one was interested in what he had to give. After that, Jonathan rode home in a cab. He explained everything that was happening to them in great detail, yet they did nothing to assist. They were under the impression that it was a ruse to get them and their drivers to hand up their possessions.
Losing Hope
Jonathan was unfazed in the slightest by this information. After being rejected by every taxi service in such a large metropolis, he started to lose his temper and the rain is almost starting to pour. This is even though there were other taxi services available. When the sixth company turned him down, Jonathan lost his temper. Rain had just begun falling, and his predicament was bleak to say the least. He didn’t want to stay outside when it was cold.