20+ Things Kids In The ’60s Did That Would Make Us Think Twice Today

Published on 04/08/2022

They Consumed High-Sugar Cereal

Kids’ days typically started with cereal. A variety of wheat, corn, and oat varieties were available. Some cereals, such as Trix and Cap’n Crunch, were pre-sweetened with sugar before being served. For some foods, such as unsweetened corn flakes, a generous amount of spooned sugar was required to make them enjoyable. In fact, you could easily spoon in four teaspoons of sugar before your mother told you that you might get a stomachache from it.

They Consumed High Sugar Cereal

They Consumed High Sugar Cereal


Nuns Were Allowed To Smack Kids

You were probably exposed to a variety of disciplining tactics if you attended to Catholic school. If you shouted out loud, were boisterous, or didn’t complete your homework, you would have a ruler smashed on your knuckles. Dragging you out of your room by ear was another favorite of the nuns. Although now, these punishments would almost certainly end in an enraged mother rushing to the principal of the school, back then, they were just another day at the office for everyone.

Nuns Were Allowed To Smack Kids

Nuns Were Allowed To Smack Kids