Becoming Better Acquainted With Southern Culture – Translating The Most Famous Deep South Sayings

Published on 06/24/2021

Happy As A Pig In Mud

While this is a phrase that Southerners love to use, we are sorry to say that the phrase “happy as a pig in mud” did not originate in a state like Texas or Mississippi. Nor did it come from America at all! Rather, the Brits are to thank for this hilarious expression, and you can thank their ancestors for it as it is hundreds of years old. The saying might be crude, but it means when someone is perfectly blissful.

Happy As A Pig In Mud

Happy As A Pig In Mud


Dog Won’t Hunt

Humans and dogs have been working together to put meat on the table for hundreds of years, and some dog breeds are exceptional hunters. You might not think that a dog would ever be anything but excited to track down and kill a poor little critter. Sometimes, a person that is otherwise known for being incredibly committed to their craft just doesn’t feel like doing it. In this instance, someone might remark that the “dog won’t hunt”.

Dog Wont Hunt

Dog Wont Hunt