Unbearable Smell
Steven was not a scientist, but he could not help but feel a scientific curiosity as he inspected this strange rock. The smell was just so alien to him, despite being powerfully disgusting. He later commented that it looked like a combination of farmyard manure and a squid. What exactly had Steven and his wife stumbled upon? He certainly might have been exposing himself to all manner of bacteria, not that this occurred to him at the time.

Unbearable Smell
Amazing Discovery
If Steven had to be perfectly honest, he had been waiting for a moment like this his entire life. Many people wait for something extraordinary to happen to them, like something out of a Stephen Spielberg film. Was this Steven’s chance to gain fame and maybe even fortune? He had certainly joked about the possibility for years. Things would soon become extraordinary for Viola and Steven, but not in the way that they might have dreamed.

Amazing Discovery