Rocky Destiny
Initially, the couple did not think that this rock, despite its peculiar appearance, was the cause of this horrid smell. It was, after all, just a rock, and appeared to have been rolled about by the waves just like all the others on the sand. It had a rough texture, if not a worn-down one. The couple looked around desperately but could not find anything that could have caused the smell. Eventually, they decided that the rock was to blame.

Rocky Destiny
Extraordinary Stone
Steven gathered his courage and approached the weird rock, giving it a sheepish prod. He had no idea what kind of mineral it might be, or where it had come from. It certainly made it into his ‘Top 10 weirdest objects discovered on the beach’ list. One that he had been building for years. He could not help but feel the excitement building inside him. This odd piece of earth could be something newsworthy, after all.

Extraordinary Stone