The Mysterious Home
Sam was obviously intrigued when he found all the illegible and wild graffiti that had been scratched all across his basement’s walls. Not that it stopped him from renovating, but he should have known then that these odd markings were like omens. The more that Sam and Mary explored their new home, the more sensational objects they came across, each with its own crazy story to tell. Eventually, Sam would wish that the graffiti was the strangest part of his home.

The Mysterious Home
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Sam began removing the ceiling boards one at a time. It was then that he caught sight of something that had been stashed on top of the roof beams. It was too dark for him to see properly, but Sam saw just how dusty the object was. Further, whatever it was, it had been deliberately hidden up in this dark hollow. Sam gripped one of the boards and heaved himself up with immense effort, managing to finally grip the mysterious and surprisingly heavy container.

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