The Metal Test
When Steven’s magnet test didn’t work, he not only realized that his meteor dreams were over, but that this strange rock was most likely worthless. This test will also reveal whether an object contains precious metals or not. Seeing as the magnet did not respond to the rock, there were only two other possibilities. It was either filled with highly valuable metals like silver or gold, which are not magnetic, or valueless or cheap metals like lead.

The Metal Test
Official Investigation
It was now clear to the Whittens that they were out of their depth. They were completely stumped and this was obviously a situation that needed the proper professional attention. Steven decided to call up the authorities and let them know what they had found. Steven had a short conversation with a serious-sounding agent who promised to help them. In a short while, vans rolled up to their property, and figures clad in protective clothing emerged.

Official Investigation