If we look deeper into the climate change statistics, the significant spikes are only seen after industries come into the picture. However, a few aspects were responsible for the same pre-industrialization. Also, there was no data sorting structure in place to monitor any change in the climate. We are using the resources provided by our planet to the extent that it can be considered an abuse of the resources without worrying about the damage that we are already doing. Various warnings are already being issued regarding the dangers lying ahead, and it’s high time that we start working on sustainability measures. The most significant factor that is responsible for the degradation of our biodiversity. Microplastics are injected in bulk into our oceans, killing flora and fauna to an unimaginable extent. The environment is so polluted that even the water we drink is filled with chemicals and traces of lead in a few regions. The air quality index is falling, and there are high chances that the air you are breathing is doing more wrong to you than the nicotine itself. In this blog, we will address the top 5 changes we have witnessed over the past two decades or less. Now, without any further adieu, let’s dive into the blog.

Climate Change Its Impact On Our Planet
Growth Of CO2 Emissions
The growth rate of this hazardous gas has grown by over 10% in the last decade. If we look at the data posted by GCP, the most significant contributors to this growth are cement production and fossil fuel burning. The data shows that in 2019, it created a spike of 1.5%, followed by another 1% the following year. If we are looking to put a check on temperature rise, it’s high time to bring it to zero.
Average Temperature Increased
Compared with the period before industrialization, we were at an increase of 0.88℃ in 2010. A decade later, the global average temperature has increased by 1.1℃. With this increase, it is pretty likely for the Arctic to witness a sea-ice-free season of summer once every century. In case of further expansion, the frequency might go significantly down to 10 or 20 years.
CO2 Concentration Is At All-Time High
It was not very long ago when scientists put a threshold on this concentration to be at 400 PPM. The increase in the CO2 concentration increased temperature, and it has crossed the point which is the first for our planet in a million years. Looking at the yearly growth, we have witnessed a spike of 2.9 PPM in 2019. The threshold was symbolic, and it never felt like going so far off soon.
Increase In Sea Level
As the temperatures rise, snow is melting at quite a rapid pace. The yearly rise in sea levels stands at 3.3mm/year. It is the global mean between the time of 1993 to 2018. However, if we look at the yearly statistics, the last decade doesn’t look quite good. An average increase in the past decade is somewhere around 2 inches. Several world’s largest cities are located in coastal regions, and even an inch rise ends up in high tide flooding.

Increase In Sea Level
Extreme Weather Is Becoming Common
There are various extreme natural events that we have witnessed over the past decade. These events include flooding, heat waves, wildfires, and devastating impacts. It occurs by only an increase of 1℃. As soon as it increases, our planet will be further deadly.