Human beings can’t sustain without pollinating insects like bees. The food we consume comes mainly from the pollination done by these tiny creatures, and it won’t be superfluous to say that our biodiversity depends on bees. There are a plethora of products that we get from bees. A few of them are honey, pollen, beeswax, and more. If we look at the sacred texts of several religions, we will witness a lot of discussion revolving around the significance and importance of bees and the products we receive from them. Various regions and rural areas generate a great livelihood from the beekeeping profession. Also, there is a dire need to save them from climate change as the data shows around 40% of the species of pollinating insects are entirely extinct. The numbers are increasing irregularly, increasinguite an alarming situation for our survival. In this blog, we will discuss the top few reasons why bees are considered a crucial and essential part of our planet’s sustainability. Let’s dive right into it without any further adieu.

The Importance Of Bees In Human Life A Glimpse
The one that is known to everyone. The process is the primary factor. We can get food in edible forms, such as fruits, nuts, berries, etc. Not only this, certain studies prove our health to be directly in sync with the pollination process. Bees will inject all the nutrients our body requires to function while pollinating. Humans must manually pollinate by climbing trees if it is not up to bees. The practice is already in progress in China as the bee population there has gone extremely low due to the overuse of pesticides.
Food For Animals
Not only for humans, but bees are also responsible for pollinating the food that is being consumed by birds, animals, and other living beings. Along with them, many domestic animals depend on the food pollinated by these agents.
Economical Reasons
The contribution made by bees to the global economy still can’t be quantified by experts due to multiple aspects. However, if we are to discuss the numbers, you can understand the contribution because the crops that only relied on pollination accounted for more than $15 billion. A majority of it was pollinated by one or other species of bees.
Important For Trees
You are highly mistaken if you believe bees are responsible only for fruits and crops. One of these agents must pollinate various trees to grow and sustain themselves. When a bee pollinates a plum tree at the start of the spring, we can get the fruits by the end of summer. You can witness the big picture by connecting the dots. Bees are essential for the trees; in return, trees are crucial for the planet by maintaining wildlife and stabilizing the landscape.

Important For Trees
A Passage To Study Our Environment
Apart from the benefits we discussed, bees are also a primary medium for us to know more about the environment of a particular region in the long run. The colonies created by bees will continue to live on for several years. The products they receive, such as honey, can be studied by scientists to get details like pollution levels and other aspects of the environment. Along with this, there are also ways to train certain species of bees for several tasks, such as detecting bombs/landmines, human illnesses, and much more.