Keep Your Storage Decorated

Published on 05/30/2020

One’s home is as important as any other facet of one’s life. As with all things, homes come in many shapes and sizes, and in the case of those living in petite pads, each and every speck of space available should be utilized to its full extent. One of the main concerns in this situation would be what to do with all of the stuff one has and where to place them when not in use. Indeed, living inside a box doesn’t mean you should act and think inside one. The biggest ideas often come from those living in the smallest of spaces.

Keep Your Storage Decorated

Keep Your Storage Decorated

Essential Living

Taking a step back and assessing the storage requirements and limitations of one’s own home is a good way to get things started. What you would want to do here is to list down all of one’s possessions which would need space inside the house and concentrate on those which are the wants vs the needs. You can categorize your items into the essential ones, non-essential ones, and shared items. Having completed this list, you can then assign quantities in which the amount of each would be followed in order to create a balance of quantity vs quality. For example, you could have 8 plates, 20 shirts, and 20 books in total, at minimum. Once this has been done, you can then assign where each one would go to inside the house.

What’s Lurking Underneath

As simple as it may sound, placing things under your bed is one of the best places to unclutter one’s house while not compromising on the style or look of the place. Most beds aren’t solidly made, it’s just that many people choose to cover the sides to give that image of stability. To maximize the space underneath, there are some beds in which the bottom part near the feet could be folded down, making the space inside accessible to place your things in. Other common examples would be sofas and box seats which have hollow spaces within. You can simply hide away large pieces underneath them including other appliances or bags, or you can invert them, and they could serve as open boxes you could put books, pens, and desk items in. Unused sofas could double as storage containers and can be rearranged to be placed to a corner of the house wherein they would not be obstructing the living space inside.

Multiple Personality Furniture

Since space is limited, the best thing you can do to make the most of what you have is to think of different ways furniture pieces could be used in solving your storage problem. A prime example of a transforming item would be the kitchen table. In its first mode, it would serve its primary purpose of being the place you prepare meals and cut vegetables and meats on. Once it transforms into its other mode, it would be used as your work desk, containing your laptop, papers and pens. A coffee table that has drawers built into it also serves a dual purpose, being a conversation piece in its first mode and a storage drawer in its second. Even the simple utility closet could serve as a clothing closet whenever it’s not being used to its maximum potential.

Don’t Skimp on Style

Do note that none of these ideas and transformations would mean that your home will look like something straight out of Storage Wars. Your beautiful home would look just as good as before, if not even better, due to the presence of less clutter and with many things more organized now than they were ever been before. It’s all about putting in the work of planning ahead, and thinking outside the box which makes this magic of style and space happen.

Dont Skimp On Style

Don’t Skimp On Style