Where’s My Car?
Jonathan continued his journey for a little bit longer before reaching his destination, the parking lot. It didn’t take him more than a few seconds to realize that something horribly wrong was going on. The empty parking lot did not include a single motor vehicle. There was no one to be seen there at any time. Since the storm is getting closer, this was to be anticipated. Yet, his vehicle was nowhere to be found.
A Single Piece Of Evidence
As soon as Jonathan had regained his composure, he set off in the direction of the place where he was certain he had parked the vehicle. He went on a quick walk around the parking lot in an attempt to find his car, all the while keeping in mind the chance that he had made a mistake. It was difficult to drag it behind the truck in such a position. He had left it parked in this same lot. That did not in any way violate any laws that were in effect. He went back to the very first place he had looked, and this time he came upon a single piece of evidence there.