Simplify Your Life With The Following Unusual Home Improvement Hacks

Published on 06/25/2021

Car Dents And Ice Cubes

Damaging your carpet is an almost inevitable part of living. No matter how carefully we try to navigate our homes, the likelihood of a small accident cannot be completely avoided. If you would like to undo the damage, then you could place an ice cube on the affected area and wait for it to seep into the carpet. Once the fibers absorb the water, they will expand and fill the hole. If the opening has not completely filled then you can take a hard-bristled brush and ruffle the other strands into place.

Car Dents And Ice Cubes

Car Dents And Ice Cubes


A Hot Iron And Wood Dents

We used the power of ice to fix carpets, now let’s try the power of heat to smoothen out wooden dents in cupboards or wooden floorboards. Start by wetting an affected area and covering it with a damp cloth. Once the water has dried, take a hot iron and smoothen the affected area in a clockwise fashion. This will save you the cost of replacing the whole item or going the extra mile with fancy products.

A Hot Iron And Wood Dents

A Hot Iron And Wood Dents