Simplify Your Life With The Following Unusual Home Improvement Hacks

Published on 06/25/2021

Make Your Own Brick Marks

If you are looking to bring that exposed brickwork look to your home without having to go through the expensive process of carefully exposing the brickwork itself then this hack is an awesome way to create the look and feel affordably. Start by slicing a foam noodle in half longways and then cut pieces off into smaller brick-sized sections. You can then attach the pieces to a paint roller and paint red brick-shaped marks onto your walls.

Make Your Own Brick Marks

Make Your Own Brick Marks


Boxes Turned Into Shelves

If you want to save some money on furniture and storage, we have a handy trick that will turn a simple box into an awesome and sturdy cupboard or shelf. Take a large cardboard box and cut out the flaps. You can then glue the flaps into the faceless side of the box to make shelves. Finish by wrapping the whole thing in gift wrap or magazine pages for extra security. Now you can place small items or clothes inside!

Boxes Turned Into Shelves

Boxes Turned Into Shelves