Simplify Your Life With The Following Unusual Home Improvement Hacks

Published on 06/25/2021

Pool Noodles And Garage Walls

If you find yourself drifting dangerously close to the walls of your garage whenever you drive in and out, you might want to consider sacrificing a pool noodle to save your car and garage wall from damage. Simply slice a pool noodle longways and glue the strips onto your garage wall at the level where you find your car nearing most often. Now you can park your car with a little less stress, but don’t get careless, now!

Pool Noodles And Garage Walls

Pool Noodles And Garage Walls


Squeegees And Pet Fur

Squeegees are the best tool for cleaning home and car windows with, but did you know that they are also a blessing for pet owners? Certainly, you have a high chance of finding plenty of cat or dog hair around the place if you have pets. Simply sweep a squeegee across the hairy areas and watch as the fur gets swept up by the plastic. This might turn into a continuous effort, but it is worth it to keep the place spotless.

Squeegees And Pet Fur

Squeegees And Pet Fur