Becoming Better Acquainted With Southern Culture – Translating The Most Famous Deep South Sayings

Published on 06/24/2021

If The Creek Don’t Rise

The saying “if the creek don’t rise” is used by people in the same way that a phrase like “God willing” is. Basically, if a person says that they will do something, provided that the creek don’t rise, then they will get it done provided that some unforeseen event stops them from doing so. A flooding creek or river will obviously stop a lot of water-based activities from happening, so it is a fitting setting to use as a disclaimer.

If The Creek Dont Rise

If The Creek Dont Rise



You probably know enough about the United States’ history to recall the American Civil War. This was a terribly violent period in America’s warring past that lasted from 1861 to 1865. This was a conflict waged between the Southern and Northern parts of America over the continuation of slavery. The Southerners referred to the Northerners as “Yankees”. While this isn’t really a bitter term these days, it is an endearing one. You might also have heard Americans, in general, being called “Yanks”.

