The Extraordinary Rock Discovery That Quarantined A Home

Published on 09/11/2021


This case was becoming increasingly complex. Sam had entered a suspicious door, which lead to another suspicious safety door, which led to darkroom, which contained a modern safe. He had broken through layer after layer of security that had never meant to be breached. This was the kind of job for the police or even the FBI, not a sweet old couple, but Sam didn’t care. This was his property, and he had a right to protect it, no matter how shaken he felt.




Different Stash

Sam did not feel a shred of excitement while looking at this safe. Unlike the suitcases, he was sure that there was no providence to be found within. There would be no money, jewelry, or newspaper clippings. This safe was on an entirely different level from the suitcases. Whatever was inside was certainly going to freak him and Mary out. By now, Sam and Mary were nearing a state of panic. All that they wanted was to be safe.

Different Stash

Different Stash