Unstoppable Exploration
Sam’s instincts would prove to be incredibly profitable. As Sam pushed through the stubborn, squeaking door, he realized that the realtor had been lying to them. That, or she was completely oblivious to this house’s true nature. Had the realtor taken the time to truly map this house out, or was she aware that it held many tantalizing mysteries? Sam and Mary might have been scared off if they knew the true mazelike nature of this enormous treasure trove.
As Sam stepped about this new secret room, he concluded that the realtor must have deceived them. She was obviously aware of the many blocked-off nooks and crannies in the home. He felt betrayed and bitter. All these little secrets could have turned dangerous for Sam and Mary, and Sam was not entirely convinced that the house was that safe. What’s more, the realtor could have been in on some grand conspiracy, or so Sam thought.