The Ocean’s Treasures
The ambergris that the Morecambe man discovered was six pounds in weight, almost double that of the one the Whittens found. The aging couple could not believe that an innocent stroll on the beach had led to their discovery of a supremely valuable and incredible thing. Who would have thought that something belched out by a sperm whale could go for so much money? If the Whittens could find a good buyer, they would stand to earn a lot of money.

The Oceans Treasures
Once A Dream
Steven and Viola were not lofty or pretentious people, however. They knew exactly what they wanted to buy if they managed to cash in with the ambergris. Steven was interviewed by the Daily Mirror, where he admitted that a static caravan was on his and his wife’s minds. Let’s hope that this couple managed to make a happy sale! Our next story takes us to Ohio, where a couple had recently purchased a dusty old home. They were prepared for the intense cleaning and fixing up jobs that came with an aged home like this. What they were not ready for, however, was what they uncovered when they began renovating the basement. Once they calmed themselves after finding what lay behind the drywall, they commenced bringing down the entire plywood ceiling.

Once A Dream