Car Tricks That Are A Little Crazy, But Highly Effective: What Every Driver Should Know!

Published on 05/08/2022

Remedy For Stickers That Refuse To Stick

You may also be driving around with old stickers on your car, like the test sticker from 2003 and every year since, or a bumper sticker that you once thought was funny but no longer find funny because it seemed like too much work to start peeling them all off? You can try this method to see if it leads to a solution that’s easy to peel off. Put a wet newspaper on top of the sticker, let it sit for about 15 minutes, and then remove it. This should make it easier to remove or wipe off the sticker when it’s dry, making it easier to do.

Remedy For Stickers That Refuse To Stick

Remedy For Stickers That Refuse To Stick


A Way To Clean Without Having To Worry About It

In our car, the floor mats take a lot of abuse. If you have kids or dogs in the car, the floor mats take the brunt of the abuse, and they need to be cleaned thoroughly from time to time. A deep clean will also make your car look a lot better. It doesn’t even matter how good your vacuum cleaner is if you don’t have one with a detachable head. A vacuum cleaner can’t get rid of all of the dust and dirt that has been pushed into the carpets over time. The simplest and most effective way to clean them is to wash them in the washing machine every few days.

A Way To Clean Without Having To Worry About It

A Way To Clean Without Having To Worry About It